Cheats and Admin Commands
To use cheats, open chat and enter a command using "/" as shown in the picture below.
Cheats List:
- Make you immortal./hi
- Make you half-immortal; you receive only 1 damage from any damage source. It also prints who damaged you in the chat./allblueprints
- Give you all item blueprints./researchblueprints
- Research all crafting items./hud
- Turn on/off HUD UI./heal
- Heal 100 HP./die
- Kill your character./ff
- Turn on/off friendly fire./startm#n
- Start mission, wheren
is mission difficulty./endm#n
- End mission, wheren
is mission difficulty./geo
- Print your location in chat./invisible
- Make you invisible to NPCs./killmissionbots
- Kill all bots on the closest mission./chatadmin
- Turn on/off admin chat color (only for admins)./dskin n
- Change duck skin, wheren
is skin index (from 0 to 7)./time hh
or/time hh:mm
- Change current daytime. 24-hour format, minutes can be omitted./day_len n
- Change day length (in real-time minutes)./night_len n
- Change night length (in real-time minutes)./stamina
- Infinity stamina cheat./players
- Display players on the map./bases
- Display bases on the map./m1
- Enter player invisible mode, enable (toggle) god mode with/i
, invisible to bots with/invisible
, infinity stamina with/stamina
, show player names with/names
. Use [CTRL] to fly without collision. Target sleeping ducks and budlings to show their owner's name. Disable any toggleable cheat by entering it again. For example, disable god mode with/i
, or use/hi
to receive only 1 damage and get a text log of who damaged you./dir
- Show other players' actor direction./m2
- Same as/m1
but with free camera and without the/names
toggle. Always disable/m1
before entering/m2
. With free cameras, it is hard to interact with items, for example, checking stashes./names
- Show players' names within 100m.
Squad Commands (Accessible to All Players)
For Any Player
- Show information about your squad./squad create "name" "description"
- Create a new squad. "description" is optional./squad join "name"
- Join a squad you have been invited to./squad leave
- Leave your squad.
For Moderators Only*
/squad invite "player"
- Invite a player to your squad./squad kick "player"
- Kick a player from your squad./squad name "new_name"
- Set a new name for your squad./squad description "new_description"
or/squad desc "new_description"
- Set a new description for your squad.
*Moderator - Creator of a squad. If a moderator leaves a squad, another randomly selected player becomes the moderator.