SCUM Admin Commands can be entered into the chat widget, by pressing "T" and the typing one of the following commands (supports auto-complete)
Command |
Description |
#ListAssets Item|Character [Filter] | This will list and display all items relating to the filter for example if you type #ListAssets item AK47 this will list all items with the term AK47 in it |
# | This command will print to the chat a list of all commands available in your game. |
#listplayers | The ListPlayers command will print a list of all players currently connected to your server to the chat. This list will include each player's character name, Steam name and Steam64 ID. |
#kick [player] | The Kick admin command will kick a player, specified by their character name, Steam64 ID or Steam name, from the server. Kicking a player disconnects them from the server, unlike a ban, they are able to reconnect after being disconnects. |
#ban [player] | The Ban command will ban a player, specified by their character name, Steam64 ID or Steam name, from the server. When a player is banned, they are unable to connect to the server. If a player is online when they are banned, they will be kicked (and be unable to reconnect). To unban a player, you must remove the player's Steam64 ID from the ban list in your server panel: currently, there is no unban command. |
#listitems [search term] | This command will list all item IDs (for use with the #SpawnItem command). If you specify text after the command, only item IDs with that text in their name will be listed. |
#listcharacters [search term] | This command will list all character IDs (for use with the #SpawnCharacter command). If you specify text after the command, only character IDs with that text in their name will be listed. |
#listvehicles [search term] | This command will list all vehicle IDs (for use with the #SpawnVehicle command). If you specify text after the command, only vehicle IDs with that text in their name will be listed. |
#location [player] | The Location command will print to the chat the location (X, Y and Z coordinates) of the player with the specified character name, Steam64 ID or Steam name. |
#spawnitem [item code] [amount] | This command will spawn the item with the specified ID (and in the optional amount) in front of your character. If no amount is specified, one of the specified item will be spawned. |
#spawncharacter [npc code] [amount] | This command will spawn the NPC with the specified character ID in front of you. If you do not specify an amount, one of the specified NPC will be spawned. |
#spawnvehicle [vehicle code] | This command will spawn the vehicle with the specified vehicle ID in front of you. |
#teleport [player] [x] [y] [z] | If no coordinates are specified, the player with the specified Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character name, will be teleported to your character's current location. If coordinates (X, Y and Z) are specified, the player with the specified Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character name will be teleported to those coordinates. To teleport your own character, specify your own character's name (or Steam name). |
#teleporttoplayer [player] | The TeleportToPlayer admin command will teleport your character to the player with the specified Steam64 ID, Steam name or character name. |
#setfamepoints [amount] [player] | This command will set the Fame Points of the player with the specified Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character, to the specified value. If you do you specify a player (by their Steam64 ID, Steam name or character name), your own Fame Points will be set to the specified value. |
#setfamepointstoallonline [amount] | This command will set the Fame Points of all players currently connected to the server to the specified amount. Note: this does not add the specified amount to their existing balance (it sets it to that amount). |
#setfamepointstoall [amount] | This admin command sets the Fame Points of every player who has ever connected to the server (both currently online and offline) to the specified amount. Note: this does not add the specified amount to their existing balance (it sets it to that amount). |
#settime [0 - 24] | This command sets the time in the game to the specified hour. 12 would be midday (12PM), 23 would be 11PM (23:00). |
#setweather [0 - 1] | This command sets the weather in the game's world. 0 is sunny/clear skies, 1 is the strongest storm with wind, fog, rain, etc. A decimal number can be specified: 0.9 would be less severe than 1. 0.5 is the threshold for rain (0.5 and above is rainy weather). |
#visualizebullettrajectories [true / false] | This command can be used to enable (true) and disable (false, default) bullet trajectories. When bullet trajectories are enabled, the path of bullets fired from guns will be rendered on your screen (a straight line from the location it was fired from to the location it collided with). |
#ListSpawnedVehicles | Prints list of all spawned vehicles. Each vehicle has its ID, last access time and location printed |
#TeleportToVehicle | Teleports invoking player to the specified vehicle. Vehicle ID is displayed via #ListSpawnedVehicles |
#Ban | Kicks the specified player from the game and prevents him from connecting to this server until unbanned. |
#Kick | Kicks the specified player from the game. |
#Mute | Prevents the specified player from sending chat messages to other players. |
#ResetSquadInfo | Resets squad name and information. |
#SetFacialHairLength <0-1> | Sets facial hair length to the specified value. |
#SetGodMode | Enables or disables god mode. (Allows you to build instantly, does not keep you from dying) |
#SetHairLength <0-1> | Sets hair length to the specified value. |
#Unban | Lifts the ban on the specified player so he can connect to the server again. |
#UnMute | Re-enables chat messaging for the specified player. |
#DestroyAllVehicles | Destroys all vehicles. If no "please", returns "You have to ask nicely!". |
#DestroyVehicle | Destroys vehicle having the specified ID. |
#SpawnAnimal | Spawns a specified amount of the given animal type. |
#SpawnRandomAnimal | Spawns a randomly chosen animal in front of invoking player. |
#SpawnRandomZombie | Spawns a randomly chosen puppet in front of invoking player. |
#SpawnVehicle | Spawns vehicle in front of invoking player. |
#SpawnZombie | Spawns a specified amount of the given zombie type. |
#announce | Used for Admins to make announcements in the general chat |
#dumpallsquadsinfolist | Shows all Squads, their Squad Rank and Squad names |
#findsquadmember [true|false] | Find squad member by id and display its squad info. If second argument is 'true' this will copy the result to the clipboard. |
#ShowNameplates true/false | Gives the ability to admins to see names of other players when in player mode. |
#ShowFlagInfo true / false | shows location and information of the flag on the map |
#ShowFlagLocations true / false | shows location of the flag on the map |
#ShowVehicleInfo true / false | shows location and information of vehicles on the map |
#ShowVehicleLoactions true / false | shows location of vehicles on the map |
#spawnitem Location "" | Spawn in Item on the location or the player that you want to |
#spawnvehicle Location "" | Spawn in vehicles on the location or the player that you want to |
#spawnzombie Location "" | Spawn in puppets on the location or the player that you want to |
#spawnanimal Location "" | Spawn in animals on the location or the player that you want to |
#spawnitem BP_Weapon_AK47 1 Location (SteamID) | Spawn Item to Player by SteamID |
#spawnitem BP_Weapon_AK47 1 Location "X=326021.875 Y=442475.844 Z=23629.650" | Spawnitem by Location |
#SpawnItem BP_Weapon_AK47 1 Location 326021.875 442475.844 23629.650 | Spawn Item by Location 2 |
#ShowFlagInfo true / false | shows location and information of the flag on the map |
#ShowFlagLocations true / false | shows location of the flag on the map |
#ShowVehicleInfo true / false | shows location and information of vehicles on the map |
#ShowVehicleLoactions true / false | shows location of vehicles on the map |
#SetTimeSpeed | Sets the time of day speed to a specified value |
#renameVehicle | Rename Vehicle |
Command #destroyVehicle | Destroy Vehicle by ID |
Command #listSpawnedVehicles | List Spawned Vehicles |
Command #teleportToVehicle | teleport to Vehicle |
#ListSpawnedVehicles true Typeofvehicle | List Spawned Vehicles by Type e.g. SUVs |
ElectricalDoorUnlockFailureAssistanceBonus=0.25 | Time added in seconds on every consecutive failure of the electric door defusal inside Killbox |
GoldLockZapperDamageModifier=1.0 | Modification of the gold lock zapper damage inside Killbox |
LockProtectionDamageMultiplier=1.0 | Modification of the damage on zappers (excluding killbox zappers) |
MaxNumberOfDaysVehicleInactivity=10.0 | Number of days that a vehicle has to be inactive before it gets destroyed |
CommitSuicideInitialTime=0 | Initial wait time before 'Commit Suicide' option becomes available |
CommitSuicideCooldownTime=60 | Penalty wait time applied to 'Commit Suicide' option after each use |
CommitSuicideCooldownResetMultiplier=1.25 | Amount of time required for the penalty to reset for 'Commit Suicide' option |
VotingDuration=60 | How long is it possible to vote for in seconds |
AnnouncementDuration=10 | How long before vote goes into action in seconds |
PlayerMinimalConsentPercentage=0.4 | Percentage of people needed to pass the vote (0.2 is 20%, 1 is 100% and so on |
#setfakename | Sets a fake character name for your prisoner |
#clearfakename | clears the fake character name |
StormProbabilityMultiplier | Modifies storm probability (default is 1) 0.0 to 1.0 results in more frequent storms - 0.0 represents a never-ending storm 1.0 to 1000.0 results in less frequent storms |
HideKillNotifications=0/1 | Allows the enabling/disabling of the kill notifications (default is 1) |
AllowKillClaiming=0/1 | Allows the enabling/disabling of kill claiming (default is 1) |
CustomMapActive=0/1 | Configures the Playable Part of the Map (default is 0) |
CustomMapCenterX=0.0 | Center Scum Map by X Coordinates |
CustomMapCenterY=0.0 | Center Scum Map by Y Coordinates |
CustomMapWidth=10 | Set Custom Map Width |
CustomMapHeight=6 | Set Custom Map Height |
#showotherplayerinfo true/false | This will show all online players and their names on the map. Not only that, but you can also simply just click on their little dot and it will teleport you straight to them |
#showotherplayerlocations true/false | This will show all online players and their names on the map. Not only that, but you can also simply just click on their little dot and it will teleport you straight to them |
ExteriorPawnAmountModifier=1.0 | Modifier that is applied to the number of exterior puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number |
ExteriorPawnAmountModifier=1.0 | Modifier that is applied to the number of exterior puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number |
InteriorPawnAmountModifier=1.0 | Modifier that is applied to the number of interior puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number |
WildPawnAmountModifier=1.0 | Modifier that is applied to the number of wild puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number |
ExteriorPawnSpawningCheckTimeInSeconds=0.0 | Time that must pass to allow exterior puppets to spawn |
InteriorPawnSpawningCheckTimeInSeconds=0.0 | Time that must pass to allow interior puppets to spawn |
WildPawnSpawningCheckTimeInSeconds=600.0 | Time that must pass to allow wild puppets to spawn |
ExteriorPawnSpawningProbability=30.0 | Determines the probability to spawn exterior puppet |
InteriorPawnSpawningProbability=10.0 | Determines the probability to spawn interior puppet |
ExteriorSpawnerGroupCooldownTime=1800.0 | Time that must pass after spawning to allow another spawning of exterior puppets in particular spawn location |
InteriorSpawnerGroupCooldownTime=900.0 | Time that must pass after spawning to allow another spawning of interior puppets in particular spawn location |
#listsquads true/false | This will list all the squads on the server with their squad id |
#listsquadmembers [true|false] | This will list the members of the squad, their steam id, and their rank |
#resetsquadinfo [true|false] | This will clear the squad information panel and generate a new random squad name |
#listmutedplayers | List all muted players |