So there have been some reports that some of the spawning parameters for private servers were not explained properly. So here they are as simple as we can write them, if you still can't figure out after this, ask your dad. All of the values written here are default settings. So when you change them from an ex. from 1 to 10 or 0.1 they change in comparison what they are.

  • Sets the maximum amount of animals that are allowed in the world at the same time


  • Sets the maximum amount of animals that are allowed in the world at the same time(yeah birds are not animals didn't you know)


  • Sets the maximum amount of puppets that are allowed in the world at the same time


  • Sets how many puppets can spawn in the wilderness at the server at the same time


  • Sets how many puppets can spawn in the exterior at the server at the same time


  • Sets how many puppets can spawn in the interior at the server at the same time

So to clarify, setting the first parameter MaxAllowedZombiesInWorld sets how many puppets can be on the server overall at the same time. The other 3 shows how many are possible in their respective areas. So for an example you put that 64 puppets are allowed on the server and the other 3 parameters are set to 32 each. If all players online are in the wilderness only 32 puppets will spawn and the rest of them won't spawn.


  • Sets the maximum amount of Sentries present at the server. -1 means all sentry spawners are active.


  • Sets the maximum amount of Drones present at the server.


  • Sets the maximum amount of Vehicles present at the server.


  • Sets the amount of puppets that can spawn near the player per player in the exterior at once


  • Sets the amount of puppets that can spawn near the player per player in the interior at once


  • Sets the amount of puppets that can spawn near the player per player in the wilderness at once


  • Sets the how often in seconds can a new puppet be spawned in the exterior around the player if available


  • Sets the how often in seconds can a new puppet be spawned in the interior around the player if available


  • Sets the how often in seconds can a new puppet be spawned in the wilderness around the player if available


  • Determines the probability to spawn exterior puppet in percentages


  • Determines the probability to spawn interior puppet in percentages


  • Sets the amount of time in seconds that have to pass in single POI exterior spawners before another puppet can be spawned.


  • Sets the amount of time in seconds that have to pass in single POI interiors spawners before another puppet can be spawned.

Now comes the question which takes priority? That would be Group cooldown time. For an example you set check time in seconds every 5 seconds but you put groupcooldown time 60 seconds. After the first puppet spawns and is eliminated another one want spawn in the next 60 seconds if the player does not move since that spawner has been used.

Hope everything is clear now.

Talk to you soon,

"Surprisingly useful this time" Beda

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