The Economy Override file (EconomyOverride.json) allows for specifics related to the trader and economy system to be changed. Values specified in this file will override default values for the server.

  • "enable-economy" : 0 to completely disable economy and disable trader spawning, 1 (default) to enable
  • "economy-reset-time-hours" : Although traders slowly and organically regenerate stock and money, if this value is set (in hours, i.e. 2.0 is 2 hours), the economy will instantly reset at the given interval, fully restocking traders' inventory and money. If the value is less than 0, it never resets. The default is -1.0, meaning by default there will never be instant resets like this.
  • "prices-randomization-time-hours" : how many hours it takes to randomize prices (if the value is less than 0, it never randomizes, defaults to -1.0)
  • "fully-restock-tradeable-hours" : How many hours it takes to fully restock tradeable amount in store, organically (i.e not instantly as a result of "economy-reset-time-hours"). If the value is less than 0, it never restocks. The default is 2.0, i.e. a depleted trader will fully restock in 2 hours.
  • "trader-funds-change-rate-per-hour-multiplier" : Similar to "fully-restock-tradeable-hours", this setting defines how fast traders refill their available funds organically. The default is 1.0, meaning a trader with depleted funds will have his balance completely refilled in 1 hour.
  • "traders-unlimited-funds": default 0, if set to 1 trader funds will never deplete when players sell tradeables to them.
  • "limited-tradeables": sets the maximum amount of instances of that tradeable that can be present in the world. Currently only limiting vehicles is supported (hence the section "limited-vehicles"). Vehicles purchased and vehicles spawned in the world normally are counted independently.
    • "vehicle-group": which vehicle group is being limited (same tag as the one used to limit vehicles spawned in the world)
      • "vehicle-group-max-amount" : limit amount (although the value can be set to -1, which will imply that there is no limit, this option is very much not advisable)
  • "traders" : Here the server owners can customize the prices of certain tradeables - only tradeables that can be normally be sold at the edited trader can be modified (i.e. you can't modify apple prices at the mechanic, since mechanics only operate with vehicle related tradeables). 
    • "tradeable-code" : tradeable asset name - the same one used to #spawnitem or #spawnvehicle
    • "base-purchase-price" and "base-sell-price" : modifies base values of purchase and sell prices (before deltas are applied), defaults to -1 which means the prices remain as they were
    • "delta-price" : base price multiplier that determines the increase/decrease of the price displayed in store, defaults to -1 which means delta is determined by random chance. If the edited value is more than 0, that delta will never change, even after price randomization
    • "can-be-purchased" : some tradeables cannot be purchased at edited trader by default, only sold. This value enables/disables customer purchase ability of that tradeable at that trader (defaults to "default", "true" enables purchase, "false" disables). Tradeable can always be sold, regardless of this value.

      Example file:
		"enable-economy" : "1",
		"economy-reset-time-hours" : "-1.0",
		"prices-randomization-time-hours" : "-1.0",
		"fully-restock-tradeable-hours" : "2.0",
		"trader-funds-change-rate-per-hour-multiplier" : "1.0",
		"traders-unlimited-funds" : "0",
		"limited-tradeables" :
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.PickupTruck", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "14"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Quad", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "8"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.SUV", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "14"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Tractor", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "9"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Wheelbarrow", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "10"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Motorboat", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "10"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.SUP", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "5"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Bicycle", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "10"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Dirtbike", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "5"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.CruiserBike", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "5"},
				{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Sportbike", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "5"}
		"traders" :
				{"tradeable-code" : "BP_Frag_Grenade", "base-purchase-price" : "-1", "base-sell-price" : "-1", "delta-price" : "-1.0", "can-be-purchased" : "default"},
				{"tradeable-code" : "BP_Weapon_AK47", "base-purchase-price" : "-1", "base-sell-price" : "-1", "delta-price" : "-1.0", "can-be-purchased" : "default"}
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