How to Perform a Wipe:


  1. You will need to be in game and be added to the “ServerSettingsAdminUsers.ini” to make these changes.
  2. Once in game hit the Esc key
  3. You should see Server Settings
  4. Click it and you will be greeted with most of the server settings that you can change. We will be staying on the “General” Tab.
  5. Scroll down until you see Partial Wipe and Gold Wipe.

Gold Wipe: Removes all gold accumulated by players.

Partial Wipe: It wipes everything in the database except the player stats. Settings remain, including zones.

  1. Select either Partial or Gold wipe or both if you choose, and choose “On” then choose apply in the bottom right hand corner
  2. Once you have hit apply you will need to restart the server for it to take effect.
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